Sunday, 18 April 2021




Is Ramzaan not all about abstinence from food and water? 

To begin with, yes it is. It is a means to many things. It allows mind to control the body in miraculous ways. On normal days, we may find keeping our hands off food difficult but during the fast, one develops a sudden sense of control. So it has a psychological dimension. At the physical level, it helps develop tolerance. We are able to keep away from food and water for almost 14-16 hours. Fasting has a social dimension. It helps to develop empathy for all those who do not have a choice of eating the best of foods at the end of those 14-16 hours. So, just a simple act of keeping away from food and water, brings into play so many aspects of our existence. 

At times the display of food in the evening [iftaar] conveys that it is a mere method of self-control for a few hours, so isn’t it all about food?

Unfortunately, yes. Ironically, ramzaan fasting has turned into a food fest. It is most definitely not about non-consumption of food/water for a few hours and then over-consuming the same in the evening. But it appears that it has become. All gains through the day, physical and spiritual are lost post-iftar. Days turn to night and vice-versa. Atleast that has been my experience in some parts of Mumbai. Children and youth keep awake the whole night post tarawih prayers, play games, chit chat, eat and sleep only after the sehri [pre-dawn food intake]. Then they sleep the whole day till 1-2 pm. Women spend their afternoons cooking up food items after items and spend their evenings for the preparation of sehri. Where is the time for inner cleansing. 

What is missing in our observance of this very holy month?

As we stop food consumption for many hours, the body automatically goes into a hibernation. It seeks to conserve energy till the next meal comes in. And this is exactly the time for the human body to go within its soul and mind consciousness. Body undergoes severe self-discipline, forcing the mind to do the same. As we move away from the body towards the mind and the soul, we ought to ask questions to ourselves. Why am I here, am I doing fine in this journey as a human being, am I getting better, am I being a good human being, where am I going wrong, am I harming anyone, am I being merciless or am I doing what is expected of me by my Creator, am I just and fair, am I kind and considerate – these and many more questions ought to be raised as one keeps away from food, giving us enough time and energy to cleanse not just our bodies but also our mind and spirit. 

What is the spiritual significance of fasting? 

Fasting is a way for us to know that we are not mere physical beings, sustaining on food and water. We are spiritual beings capable of knowing and leading the life in the light of the divine. We are spiritual beings enveloped in a physical body and not a physical body having a tiny spiritual element somewhere inside of us. It is an opportunity to get in touch with the divine in us. All prayers even in non-ramzaan days are a quick touch-base to the divine at least 5 times a day. And in reality, we have to actually base ourselves in the spiritual realm and conduct our lives. Of course, easy said than done. And hence the mandatory 5 times prayers, atleast to keep going back to who we really are; a divine being enveloped in a human body. Ramzaan thus is a month long process of touch-basing this divinity inside of us. 

Why do people read the Quran in this month?

Quran is the word of Allah, the divine essence of this universe. So when we read the Quran we are hearing God speak. It’s a book of guidance, showing the way from wherever you are standing in your life. Quran was began to be revealed in this month and hence the extreme religious significance of Ramzaan for all Muslims across the world. Needless to say, the Quran being a book of guidance must be read in a language in which each one of us can be guided. No point in reading it in a language which I do not understand. Reading the Quran in a language in which I understand will obviously entail use of my mind and intellect. Reading and reflecting on the message from the divine and co-relating it to one’s own daily grind and experience. How is my daily lived reality influenced by the divine message? What can I learn today from the Quran that will help me to be a better person, to lead a better life? 

But why do this just once a year, isn’t that supposed to be part of my daily schedule?

Doing it for a month, regularly, puts you in frame of mind, it gives you time to ask questions and seek answers. It pauses your life to give you opportunity for course correction. It is a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual emptying of self to realize your true nature of divinity. That you and the world around is part of the divinity infused with love and harmony. It is time to focus on the true nature of tawheed, the unity of all creation, the oneness in diversity and the harmony and balance in all creation. Hopefully, if done sincerely for a month, it’s impact will last enough to help becoming a better person. And doing it year after year, takes us one step up and better. 

What is the economic impact of ramzaan? 

All impacts have to be on the individual mind, body and spirit; that’s the purpose. But, at all times, even in the past, it did have a commercial aspect. In modern times, like all things, this month too is commercialized. With shopping malls overflowing, food stalls flourishing full night, it does provide opportunity for a large section of population with a source of income. This is the economic impact and it cannot be overlooked. It does mean a lot to people who depend on this month for their economic sustenance. It also fuels the economy and keeps the money flow. In COVID times, this is the second consecutive ramzaan which is going to hit the poor the hardest. The month of fasting is followed by a feast, eid-ul-fitr, which has an important economic component. 

Is any behavioural change, psychological impact happen due to fasting? 

As said earlier, ramzaan is not about non-consumption of food/water. It is an abstinence from all that is not desirable. Also if you truly read the Quran with its meaning and reflect upon its messages, if you go within and scan your life to make it better and to move it higher, there is very little scope for conflicts, fights, jealousy, anger, sadness, fear or any of the regular emotional responses. It is also a conscious decision to keep away from bad thoughts, actions and words. It is a conscious decision to control ones selves more than controlling others. It is a conscious choice to turn away from hostility, fights and aggression. It is a conscious decision, not just to keep away from food but also from all material and physical pleasures so there is a diversion towards the more deeper aspect of one’s existence. Of course it is a choice that one has to exercise, nothing is automatic. But provided we know and accept the deeper relevance of ramzaan. 

Can you give an example from the hadis?

The Hadees of Anas as narrated by Khaled Abou Fadl in his You Tube channel narrates that fasting during ramzaan also is an opportunity to work on becoming better human beings. Allowing ones selves to get in the habit of doing away backbiting, slander, swearing untruthfully, giving lustful looks, lying, speaking ill of others, not using our words, our body, legs and hands to harm and injure others. It is an opportunity to seizing the ethical framework of Islam and moving towards being a virtuous self. 

We should be a good person throughout the year and ramzaan provides that intensive training to keep our divinity alive, to believe in goodness, to be just and fair to self and others and to keep away from bad intentions and actions. 


The Meaning of Fasting – Khaled Abou Fadl, You Tube 

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