Know your GBJEWC verses
Goodness, Beauty, Justice, Equality, Wisdom, Compassion
What damage has been done by male hegemony over religion?
The larger Muslim society would have been a lot better if Muslim women had read, translated and interpreted the word of God. Very cunningly, Muslim men [and the rest as well] have kept to themselves the right and the privilege to educate themselves, especially education pertaining to religion. Muslim men know that knowledge is indeed power and if Muslim women learn to read and understand what is written, they will take for themselves what benefits them just the way men have done so far.
Very deviously Muslim women have been told to read the Quran in a language which they don’t understand. You see, reading the Quran in Arabic is sawaab ! Not just reading and understanding of the Quran but even its translations and interpretations have remained in the male domain. So dear women, they say, if you know how to read then please read the Quran in an alien language. If you are lucky and understand the alien language then please don’t interpret. And if you are reading a translation don’t interpret that translation and don’t analyze the credentials and motives of the translator. And if you have managed to read, understand, translate and interpret, then please keep your mouth shut as religion is the territory of the so-called alims and scholars and experts. You as a woman have no business to enter that territory. Thus continues the male hegemony over religion-based-knowledge which has destroyed the lives of many Muslim women across the world. Men are the readers, translators, interpreters and givers of this knowledge and women continue to merely receive it without questioning.
What have women scholars of Islam done?
But times are changing for better. Many recent women readers of the Quran have managed to come out with their own translations and interpretations which question the tradition, male-centric and patriarchal understanding. They have also gone beyond the written word to extract the eternal values of Islam which put not just women and men on par but also puts all humanity equal to each other as one creation.
To me and to many like me, these eternal values of Islam which are conveyed to the humanity through the Quranic verses, gives the courage to fight for justice within and outside the Muslim community. Those eternal values are remembered best through the acronym, GBJEWC. That is how I choose to remember them. G for goodness, B for beauty, J for justice, E for equality, W for wisdom and C for compassion. For any Muslim to proclaim himself or herself as a Muslim, he or she must believe and abide by these principles.
What are the verses in Quran on equality?
1. Allah created human beings both women and men, so that they can take responsibility of the earth. The responsibility of all the affairs of the earth are entrusted on both. [2:230 - I will create a vicegerent on earth. Most scholars understand ‘vicegerent’ as human beings.
2. Women and men are created from one source and hence by default they are equal. The very essence of their existence is mutual dependence as they come together in this world from one single source [4:1 O people, be aware of your Lord who has created you from one person and He created from it its mate and sent forth from both many men and women; and be aware of God whom you ask about, and the relatives. God is watcher over you]
3. When it comes to equality before God, women and men are equal. In all aspects which include surrendering to God, being truthful, being patient, being humble and charitable, following religious rituals, women are equal to men. There are no exemptions to woman just because she is a woman and there is no special treatment to man just because he is a man. [33:35 - Surely, the peacefully surrendering men, and the peacefully surrendering women, the acknowledging men, and the acknowledging women, the obedient men, and the obedient women, the truthful men, and the truthful women, the patient men, and the patient women, the humble men, and the humble women, the charitable men, and the charitable women, the fasting men, and the fasting women, the men who guard their private parts, and the women who similarly guard, and the men who commemorate God frequently, and the commemorating women; God has prepared for them a forgiveness and a great recompense.]
4. Women and men are owners of what they earn or gain. Some men gain more than women and some women gain more than men. Sometimes men gain more than women and sometimes it is the reverse. God favours equally. [4:32 - Do not envy what God has favored some of you over others. For the men is a portion of what they gained, and for the women is a portion of what they gained. Ask God from His favor, God is knowledgeable over all things.]
State the Quranic verses on compassion, goodness, peace, care, goodness in women-men relationship
5. The purpose of marriage is tranquility and peace in relationship. Spouses must love, respect and care for each other and be content and happy in each other’s company. That is the essence of spousal relationship in Islam, which exhorts us in the end to think and reflect on what should one be aspiring for. [30:21 - Among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other. He places in your heart love and care towards your spouses. In this, there are signs for people who think.]
6. Women and men are made for each other, to shield and guard each other. There is mutuality of support, care and protection. Linked to the above verse it conveys that women and men are there for each other, to lead a life of peace and harmony. [2:187 - They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them…]
7. Both women and men are supporters of each other. Both are expected to do good and avoid evil. [9:71 - The believers, men and women, are awliya [allies] of one another. They enjoin al-maruf [the good] and forbid al-munkar [the bad], they observe salat and give zakat and obey God and his Prophet.]
Which Quranic verse speak of beauty and goodness in general?
8. Allah commands human beings to manifest beauty/goodness as they have been manifested upon them by Allah. Human beings are asked to not corrupt the earth by doing anything that is unjust and unfair. [28:77 – And do good as Allah had done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters]
Verses on justice and wisdom?
9. Allah enjoins justice, kindness and the doing of good to kith and kin and forbids all that is shameful, evil and oppressive. He exhorts you so that you may be mindful. Justice is crowned by goodness. [16:90 – Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving help to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression.]
10. Allah enjoins all human beings to use their akl, their ability to think and rationalize. There is a lot of emphasis on knowledge, wisdom, analysis, good judgment and common sense. [28:14 -And when he attained his full strength and was [mentally] mature, We bestowed upon him judgement and knowledge. And thus do We reward the doers of good.
There are of course many more Quranic verses, written in different contexts, which again and again harp on the same values and principles which bring people together and which define relationships based on mutual respect and support. It is time that these timeless eternal values are brought to the forefront of any debate concerning Muslim women.
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